For the Children

This table lamp was auctioned at the Sandy Lane Charitable Trust last year around this time. The trust helped with building a school for the disabled and children who needed urgent medical care, it also donated medical equipment to ICU of our general hospital.


The requests which are asked force me to think outside the box yet still utilizing my skills to sculpt the desired forms or shapes they want. The successful jobs I’ve done has left me even more fascinated than the client. The designs are like nothing I’ve done and that’s why my clients are my secret inspiration.


The last sugar cane is cut. This starts the festival. Local musicians sing calypso which breathes life into our annual Crop Over festival. My piece titled “Calypso” is not about the music it more interprets vibrant colours of Crop Over. There’s only three colours but my interpretation of vibrant colours is more about colours of emotion. I chose these three colours for the reason that they compliment each other well but these same three colours do an excellent job of uplifting. Nothing says uplifting like a statement piece such as this.