Adapting to change

In business your first plan may not work, the second or third either. Working for a company becomes a delightful thought. Listing the pros becomes easy, not worrying about rent or restocking materials, paying off debts, dealing with some of the most unsatisfying people and all the other perks. All the pluses of being an employee seems favorable but some of us are trapped in our profession. …….like me. There’s nothing else I know how to do better.

Ten years in a single field of work fills your mind with a wealth of knowledge and it’s an investment, one which sadly may not pay off until generations later. When current plans fail you have to analyze and try to maybe adapt the business in order to remain competitive or in business for a matter a fact.

My plans failed and left me dismal for while but a phone call to an art consultant in California  breathed a new strategy into play. It took a few months for his expertise to digest. It was just one question he asked that stuck in my mind.

I would make a great employee but I’ll be a better artist.

What my art means

The art which took months to a year to finish, those are pieces I rather keep than to sell for couple thousand dollars. They’re of special value which I hold close to my heart. Its like you a special car in the garage and work on it for years, you don’t just sell it, it has a piece of soul you’ve imbedded into it. I wouldn’t say I’m a starving artist but I do hope for that one opportunity. In the meanwhile I’ve structured subsidies which can keep me afloat.

Take a break

So I go to visit my teacher, I expected this guy to be working away on a project or something. What’s he doing? Practicing with a blow dart gun he made. Shooting at different distances, I joined him,it was fun. I interpreted that experience as” its ok to take a break” .

Thanks teach.