The title you have

If you’re a racist chances are your mind isn’t fully developed. We need diversity even if you don’t think it’s important. If everyone was the same colour and had the same culture life would be boring.

Different ways of producing ideas to.solve problems to move forward as independent civilizations proves intelligence in all people no matter colour or nationalism.

I personally haven’t encountered any racism only from my own black people who discriminate which in my opinion is a form of racism.

The” N” word doesn’t quite do it for me, sorry for all you racist folks. Maybe cause I haven’t encountered full whiff of racism. Sticks and stones people. That word does not affect the way I perform my job, it doesn’t stop me from sleeping at night, it doesn’t prevent a wonderful and bright future no matter the circumstances.

Its plain unintelligent to think another man is beneath you because of a simple thing like colour. Something no one had control over.

The craft

In another fifteen to twenty years our crafts industry will be dead or on life support. From my observation a great percentage of the young generation cares for fast dollars.Many pieces takes patience to produce and with each passing piece skill is improved.  It takes years to master an art and even after its been mastered there’s always something new to be learnt.

Craft in Barbados sounds cheap. The word itself sounds cheap. It’s interpreted as a bargin. I stopped going to craft shows for the mere fact that I don’t want to bargin my pieces which in some cases probably took more time to make than a Cartier bracelet. They’re other reasons why I stopped going to shows but that’s besides my point here.

When I made the decision not to continue craft fairs it was a little scary. That’s what  helped me to make some capital but I knew I didn’t want continue doing them. Now a new strategic journey has begun,one that ensures value to my art.